Friday, 13 January 2012

Favorite Product: Evernote

Ever go to a craft store or fabric store to buy materials for your latest and greatest project and when you reach for the list, to your horror, you left it home?  I cannot tell people how often I've done that.  When I think I'm being cleaver and writing it all down (especially when I'm shopping for materials and supplies for multiple patterns) , of course, I end up not writing something correctly so I end up getting either the wrong thing or not getting it at all which means wasted gas going to and from the craft/fabric store.

All I can say is "Thank goodness for modern conveniences!"  Back in August I got my Android Galaxy S phone.  At first, I tried using the camera function on my phone but that didn't seem to work out as the numbers and words were always fuzzy.  Then Justin, my common-law husband, introduced me to a note taking app called "Evernote."  At first, I was sceptical of this program but then, I learnt (through experimentation of course) that I can attach PDFs into notes by scanning the envelopes and then putting them into notebooks via the Internet or even the app for your computer.  Evernote does require Internet access which most apps require these days (and most phone plans also include data plans as well).  It is available on most smart phones and tablets.

I have used it to store information on all of my 50+ sewing patterns including a scan on each backing of my pattern which I keep separated by pattern brand.  The screen shot below is how I use Evernote.

Screen Shot of my Evernote program.  To see a larger version of this, click on the picture.

I also typically put notes in each note such as the size (which I removed for the picture due to my own insecurities), colour fabric (if I have any ideas as to what I want), and any other notes which I want to make.  I also find this to be useful to keep track of my knitting needles, crocheting hooks, and even embroidery thread colours.

The nice thing about this program is that if you ever loose your phone or tablet, you don't have to worry about loosing all of your work as it is stored online and you can re-call it on any mobile device.  The wonders of modern technology!

Does anyone else use this program?  What else do you use it for?

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